Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We take the Great Commission very seriously at Indian Springs Baptist Church, and we make it possible for our members to be actively involved in sharing the Gospel message locally, nationally, and internationally.

Join the Mission
Gospel missions
Listed below are the Gospel missions we currently support.
Samaritan's Purse
Church plant - Truman, AR
Church plant - Boston, AR
ForeFront Experience
Dominican Republic
Local mission opportunities
Church plant - Truman, AR
Church plant - Boston, AR
ForeFront Experience
Dominican Republic
Local mission opportunities
Compassion Ministries
At Indian Springs Baptist Church we have a heart to serve those in need. Join us as we show love and compassion to those in our church and our community through the following ministries:
- Alexander Community Center
- Bereavement Ministry
- The C.A.L.L.
- Disaster Relief Team
- Fox Ridge Ministry
- ISBC Food Pantry