There's a place for you here!
We believe everyone is placed in the church body of Indian Springs for a significant purpose, and that includes Senior Adults. Our Senior Adults are actively involved in every aspect of church life, service and care ministries, and missions. We believe that “the best is yet to be” and we strive to live life fully each day for the glory of God.
Senior Adult Life Groups
There are many connection points for Senior adults at Indian Springs. One way we pursue gospel-centered community is through Life Groups. These groups meet every Sunday at 9:30 am for care, prayer, accountability, and studying God’s Word.
Discipleship Small Groups
We also strive to develop gospel-centered community through small Discipleship Groups. These groups meet on various days and different times throughout the week. Our goal is to intentionally disciple senior adults who in turn intentionally disciple others, especially their children and grandchildren.
Other Senior Adult Opportunities
Part of being a gospel-centered Senior Adult ministry is creating opportunities for our faith to grow and touch the lives of others. Each Thursday of every month we have scheduled activities, events, and ministry opportunities for fellowship and outreach while being God’s hands and feet to a lost and hurting world. For more information, contact Gail Baxley. She would love to assist you in getting connected to the ISBC Senior Adults.